Victor tales of xillia 2
Victor tales of xillia 2

victor tales of xillia 2

chatacters episodes too, I didn't like all of them but they were a nice touch. even if the bad ending was very forced and the normal ending didn't get as much attention as the "true" ending I still think that they did a good job there. (12-15) it would have been so much better if only Ludger had a personality and was an actual character. they managed to do a great job with Elle and Ludger, some chapters really delivered with some great scenes. the strong points are clearly the characters and their interactions. Overall I enjoyed the story and the characters probably more than any tales of game I've played. I'd like some help if I got something wrong or missed some info.

#Victor tales of xillia 2 trial

so let's say that Origin created humanity and he keeps them alive by purifying souls, the trial was made in order to see if humans were worth saving, I guess? At least it makes some sense if put like this. if Origin doesn't purify souls, humanity dies from the miasma for some reason. Chronos after some time (2000 years?) gets mad and wants to destroy humanity, or rather, wants humanity to fail the trial. What's the role of the soul purification thing in all of this? We know that Origin is doing that and he's suffering for it. the trial ends when 1 million divergence catalysts are created or when someone arrives in canaan and makes a wish. the trial was to recover all those waymarkers hidden in the fractured dimensions (which were created by Chronos? Or Origin when the trial started?), whoever did that would have been able to make a wish in the land of canaan. then in the end, iirc, they say "Origin's trial is a spirit arte summoned by Origin and the first member of the kresnik family" (wot?) it's not really clear but my take on it was that Origin and the other boys there^ started somehow this trial to test humanity. first they say that the trial was a game created by Origin, Chronos and Maxwell when they were the 3 great lord of the universe or whatever.

victor tales of xillia 2

Now about the main topic, Origin's trial. Rideaux and Ivar were involved in pretty dumb scenes and I don't think they made them fit very well into this game, Ivar could have been ok if he sticked to being a comic relief like in the first chapters.ĭivergence catalysts, if "you become one when you use too much chromatus/kresnik or whatever power" then how did everyone else that you fight in all the dimensions became a catalyst? after that he just comes back like nothing happened. you see Julius stopping Chronos 2 times and then forcing him into other dimensions in order to save you. they also made him a character that knows what's going on from the start and doesn't tell you shit for no reason other than "it's too soon for the player to know that". Julius needed more screentime, no idea what he was doing besides running away and trying to stop Ludger/Bisley. I'm sure that I had more questions that I can't remember now. also Ludger can't transform without Elle's power, how's that? He's the lame kresnik kid born without powers? Lol. Ludger makes a path with the watch in the end to gain more power (wut?), not really explained how they work, who made them etc.

victor tales of xillia 2

just "a CEO stronger than Chronos because of kresnisk powers, (did he even have a watch?)". I was expecting Bisley to do that in the end, we barely know who he is. did they even explain why, how and when? Nope. I think that it was pretty obvious that Bisley is Ludger's father but did anyone (in-game) realize that or did they ask about that? Nope. besides that, I didn't like the pacing, really slow and it takes a while before things get interesting. The main problem I had with the story is that a lot of stuff isn't explained well or explained at all.

Victor tales of xillia 2